




【#学习工具# #MapleReadCEiPhone版#】


hao86下载•iPhone版】MapleReadCE iOS苹果版APP,作为MapleRead家族的一员,专为追求高效阅读体验的苹果用户量身打造。它继承了MapleRead系列的精髓,去除了PDF阅读器和内置图书馆服务器功能,以更轻量化的姿态,为用户提供流畅的音频视觉阅读享受。无论是沉浸在个人阅读时光,还是快速浏览资讯,MapleReadCE iOS苹果版APP都是您理想的选择。MapleReadCEiPhone版_v5.7最新版本由hao86下载于2024年10月18日整合发布,这款软件由Maplepop LLC精心打造,我们将持续关注本页面的用户反馈,确保稳定体验。如有疑问或发现问题,请随时联系我们。我们将迅速响应,并为您解决。感谢您对hao86下载的支持,祝您使用愉快!


MapleReadCE iOS苹果版APP,一款专为iOS平台设计的电子书阅读器,集阅读、学习、管理于一体。它支持EPUB格式,允许用户自定义书籍样式,一键生成多语言有声读物,实现阅读与聆听的双重享受。其简洁的界面设计与强大的功能,让每一位用户都能轻松上手,享受个性化的阅读体验。


- 即时有声阅读:无需等待,即刻将电子书转化为有声读物,支持超过40种语言,让阅读更加生动有趣。

- 个性化定制:从字体到主题,从封面到阅读场景,MapleReadCE iOS苹果版APP提供无限可能,让您的阅读空间独一无二。

- 无缝跨设备同步:通过云端技术,自动同步阅读进度、笔记、书签等数据,让您在不同设备间无缝切换。


- 高效管理:内置强大的图书管理功能,帮助用户轻松整理日益增长的电子书库,保持阅读环境的整洁有序。

- 无广告干扰:承诺纯净阅读体验,无广告打扰,让用户专注于书本内容,享受纯粹的阅读乐趣。

- 持续优化:团队持续更新,不断优化用户体验,确保MapleReadCE iOS苹果版APP始终走在行业前沿。


- 多语言支持:支持多种语言阅读,满足全球用户的阅读需求。

- 智能搜索:内置搜索引擎,支持书籍内容、词汇、笔记的快速查找。

- 学习工具:集成词汇查询、句子翻译、笔记记录等功能,助力用户高效学习。


- 沉浸式阅读:独特的沉浸式阅读模式,让用户仿佛置身于故事之中,提升阅读沉浸感。

- 背景播放:支持锁屏播放和CarPlay,让用户在驾车或忙碌时也能继续享受阅读的乐趣。

- 兼容性强:与多款iOS设备完美兼容,无论是iPhone还是iPad,都能带来流畅的阅读体验。


5.72024-10-09- Show buttons for going to the next or previous TOC entry, and the label of the current TOC entry when you tap the page slider thumb inside an EPUB book
- Allow "Copy Comment", "Clear Comment", "Copy Quotation", "Paste Quotation" when you tap the "double-quote" button in an annotation view
- Allow also "Copy Comment" and "Copy Quotation" when you long press in Notes view
- Allow "Open Book" from Book Info view for your convenience
- Enforce text wrap on rendering EPUB "pre" elements
- Improve compatibility with various servers when downloading books after upgrading to iOS 18
- Fix other bugs

5.6.22024-08-30- Fix rendering bugs for some EPUB books
- Fix other bugs

5.6.12024-07-16- Fix a few bugs

5.62024-07-01- Add index bar also when Library List view is sorted by Series or Tag
- Add "Copy/Move to Another Set" to popup menu when a book is long pressed
- Fix broken built-in Library Server due to a regression bug
- Fix other bugs

5.5.12024-05-27- Add to System Settings the switch "Allow Book Set Sort by Custom Order"
- Enhance UI related to managing Custom Order
- Fix a secure sync bug affecting book set Custom Order
- Fix other bugs

5.52024-05-16- Extend secure sync coverage to book set membership
- Fix Zoom Image view's "Save to Album" bug for book covers

5.4.12024-03-14- Fix regression bugs

5.42024-03-11- Improve EPUB pagination algorithm dealing with book covers, page breaks
- Add EPUB switch "Override Paragraph Font" to complement "Apply Publisher's Style"
- Fix bugs related to loading imported user fonts, such as Bookerly and Amazon Ember
- Improve rendering of EPUB books written in vertical writing mode, despite iOS bugs
- Be more fault tolerant of bad EPUB spines
- Fix other bugs

5.3.12024-02-15- Improve pagination algorithm for EPUB books embedding large images
- Fix bugs

5.32024-01-25- Support switches "Status Bar Always On" and "Status Bar Always Dark" for all iPhone and iPad models
- Simplify Import confirmation dialog of "Exchange | Files" by default
- Fix bugs for some types of EPUB books, including those written in right-to-left direction
- Fix other bugs

5.2.12024-01-04Fix bugs

5.22023-12-18- Optimize for a smoother ride when scrolling library book list view with a lot of books
- Make book cover thumbnails as sharp as possible for all 7 UI Text Sizes and abridged or not
- Change tag separator symbols in Book Info view
- Change fonts used for series and volume in Book Info view
- Add to System Settings the switch "Two-finger Swipe to Turn Page"
- Fix bug of parsing series and volume of some books from standardebooks.org
- Fix bug of parsing metadata of books downloaded from DropBox via Exchange | Websites | HTML
- Fix other bugs

5.12023-12-14- Enhance Library Booklist view
. Increase standard row height to show more book info
. Show series and volume where applicable
. Offer "Abridge Info" option for showing more books per screen
. Offer an option to display reading progress indicator as pie chart or percentage
- Enhance Magnify Book Cover view
. Show series and volume where applicable
. Add previous and next buttons to browse through books
- Enhance Book Info view
. Add previous and next buttons to browse through books
- Enhance EPUB Classic Book and Modern Book views
. Add two-finger swipe to turn page
- Fix bugs

5.0.22023-10-27- Fixed bugs

5.0.12023-10-03- Fixed bugs related to book listening, UI Text Size and EPUB footnotes

5.02023-09-23This is a major release with many new features:

- Book listening and immersion reading
. Reading while listening to any EPUB book in sync
. Simple and intuitive UI
. Narrator voices for over 40 languages besides English for your choice
. Choice of voices filtered by current book language
. Ever-improving high-quality voices as provided by iOS
. Remember last voice selection for each language
. Speed control, faster or slower as you see fit in different circumstances
. Timer control, good for many cases including your bedtime reading too
. Play and pause for normal listening
. Play-once and play-repeat for selected words for learning and fun
. Background listening
. Compatible with Lock Screen Music Player
. Compatible with CarPlay

- Senior-friendly UI Text Size control
. Normal and larger font sizes for non-book text in almost all views
. Scalable popover view sizes as appropriate
. Just the right size for comfortable reading and note taking

- Library view
. New "Magnify Book Cover" view for selected book
. Book cover image displayed with new groove-and-shadow effect
. Polished UI look and button re-arrangement
. Enhanced Settings menu
. New in-app help and online help
. Never Read/Marked/Altered section for Sort by Date Read/Marked/Meta Altered respectively

- EPUB viewers
. Refined toolbar and page slider design for all 3 EPUB viewers
. Full-page application of theme (background color and image) to Classic Book viewer
. Refined header and footer layout for Modern Scroll viewer
. New option "Prefer Remaining Page Count"
. Compact context menu with new icons
. Enhanced image zoom view of embedded images
. Enhanced cover image aspect fit on the first page

- Book Info view
. New image zoom view to preview your choice of book cover image
. Simple editable book language field to fix for immersion reading

- Misc
. New or polished icons everywhere, including Library, Exchange and book viewers
. Performance improvement
. Various minor UI enhancement
. Bug fixes

4.92023-09-01- Optimize code to reduce power consumption
- Add a smart batch download option to prefer OPDS or EPUB embedded metadata
- Add an option to "Restore from Book" in Book Info Edit view to honor empty metadata
- Add "Go to System Settings" to Library Settings
- Update Help of Exchange | iTunes
- Fix a bug that may sometimes lead to loss of last reading position of an opened book when the app is returned from background
- Fix a bug that may sometimes lead to incorrect display of Library view after device rotation

4.8.32023-08-01- Address various issues related to EPUB text selection, note deletion, Library UI

4.8.22023-06-09- Change app icon background color

4.8.12023-05-18- Add to Settings the switch "Pinch & Spread to Adjust Font Size"
- Allow Sort by MD5 in Library views when Diagnostics is turned on
- Fix bugs

4.82023-02-04- Add "Set My Translator" to EPUB and PDF reader context menu
- Add "Rebuild Library" in Settings app to fix corrupted book database
- Fix some iOS 16 reader context menu compatibility issues
- Fix bugs including that of false duplication during book import

4.7.12022-12-23- Fix a regression bug

4.72022-12-21- Support exporting notes in CSV format
- Address text hyphenation issues of some EPUB books published in a language different from the iOS system language
- Fix some bugs

4.62022-11-16- Reduce the chance of losing reading position when the app is force quit by iOS when it is not in the foreground or the screen is turned off
- Fix other bugs

4.52022-08-27- Support customizable bookshelf background night scenes in addition to day scenes
- Fix bugs







厂商:Maplepop LLC
