- 1、Later, bymischance Elsa falls down into a deep crevice.(后来,丽莎又不幸掉进到岩石间一口深深的罅隙里。)
- 2、One has to consider the chance of amischance.(人都必须考虑灾难的可能性。)
- 3、Thismischance made this area result in ruins and discommodious traffic.(这场灾难使这一地区变为废墟并使该地区的交通陷入瘫痪。)
- 4、I lost your file by puremischance.(我把你的文件丢了,纯粹是碰上倒霉事了。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 5、Coal mine safety accidents had gavemischance for millions of families, made severe economic damnify for our society.(煤矿安全事故频发给无数家庭带来了灾难,也给社会造成了严重的经济损失。)
- 6、From thismischance, I impressively learn that sometimes our human life is so frail, so much so that we can lose control of it before we realize what has stolen it.(从这次事故中,我深刻的体会到有时人类的生命太脆弱了,以至于在我们还没意识到是什么把她夺去了时我们就已经失去了她。)
- 7、Their intrusion, though baffling and terrible , is not a randommischance .(他们的闯入,虽然使人惊疑不定,却并不是飞来横祸。)
- 8、I will not release the B/L till you pay off the interest of $3, 000 because you wreaked themischance.(因为这个倒楣的事情是你造成的,所以我会等你付了$3,000的利息后才放提单。)
- 9、What we need now is a saving clause in case of some unforeseenmischance, such as damage by rats, etc.(现在我们所需要的是一个附加条款,对诸如鼠害等意外事件作出规定。)
- 10、His mind had been exploring the abysmal possibility of Veronica's beauty and high spirits being removed from the world by a chemicalmischance.(他心里一直在探寻着维罗尼卡那神秘莫测的美丽,本来兴高采烈的心情,也被这不幸的化学过敏事件驱散得无影无踪。)
- 11、I will not releottom the B/L till you pay off the interest of $3000 because you wreaked themischance.(因为这个倒霉的事情是你变成的,所以我会等你付了$3000的息金后才放提单。)
- 12、The hope and despair of life, the exaltation and listlessness of love, the nation's aspirations andmischance, which stand in contrast and conflict, are interwoven and mingled in his poems.(生的希望与绝望、爱的欣喜与怅惘、民族的期待与灾难等都在他的诗中交织、扭结、矛盾和冲突。)