2、a blast of hot air hit us as we stepped off the plane.(我们下飞机时,一股热浪向我们袭来。) (好工具hao86.com)
3、We were left at peace on our beds as long as the summer moon shone, but the momenta blast of winter returns, you must run for shelter!(夏天月亮照着的时候,你还让我们安安稳稳地睡觉,可是冬天的大风一刮回来,你就非要找安身的地方不可了!)
4、He and his team grew tiny polystyrene spheres until they were some 200 nanometres across, before hardening them witha blast of heat.(他和他的团队,先培育聚苯乙烯球直到它们的直径为200纳米,再用一股强热将其硬化。)
5、And it's never more apparent than on Twisted Fantasy,a blast of surreal pop excess that few artists are capable of creating, or even willing to attempt.(而且这从来没有比在TwistedFantasy更显而易见过——超现实主义流行过剩的猛烈一击——这是极少艺术家有能力创造,甚至愿意尝试的。)
6、The Fly-Bag has already been tested, with favourable results, againsta blast of the force that caused the destruction of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in 1988.(该飞机安全袋已经经过爆炸冲击试验,效果很好。试验用炸弹的威力相当于1988年造成洛克比上空泛美103航班空难的炸弹。)
7、After the gentlest of swirls, the buttery brioche bouquet gave way toa blast of dark fruit and sawdust.(拿在手上轻轻摇了摇,那黄油蛋卷花变成了一股股黑色的水果和屑末。)
8、In neighbouring Poland, where severe frost has killed 93 people so far this winter,a blast of cold and new train timetables combined to cause chaos on the rail network.(在邻国波兰,严重的霜冻至今已经冻死93人,寒冷造成新铁路网络的混乱。)
9、In his soaked clothes, he felt bitterly cold whena blast of wind passed by.(他穿着湿透了的衣服,风一吹,就感到透心凉。)
10、The press responded to his remarks witha blast of criticism.(新闻界以严厉的批评回应了他的言论。)
11、Relieved of the overlying pressure, the volcano ejecteda blast of rocks, ash, gas, and steam that blew down and buried several hundred square miles of forest.(随着顶部压力的解除,火山激烈喷涌出大股的岩石、灰尘、气体和蒸气,降落下来后覆盖了数百平方英里范围内的森林。)
12、The inventor Henry Bessemer discovered that directinga blast of air at melted iron in a furnace would burn out the impurities that made the iron brittle.(发明家亨利·贝塞默发现,在熔炉里对熔化的铁直接吹一吹空气,就会烧坏使铁变脆的杂质。)
13、Many people arduously held an umbrella which was always blown down bya blast of wind.(许多人费力地撑着伞,因为总是吹来一阵阵的风。)
14、Trees quailed beforea blast of wind.(树木在一阵强风中弯身剧颤。)
15、Their research suggests that "true circles" are created in a very few minutes bya blast of energy.(他们的研究表明,那些“真正的怪圈”是某股能量在短短几分钟之内创造出来的。)
16、If you've got pale or neutral-coloured cabinetry, a splashback is the perfect place to injecta blast of colour.(要是你的橱柜是浅色的,那么煤气灶后面的防溅墙做得鲜艳一点就能给厨房注入一抹亮色。)
17、The winds shall do battle together witha blast of ill-omen, making their din reverberate from one constellation to another.(风会连同一股坏的预兆而发起战役——预兆,制造出它们的喧哗,从星座反响出来。)
18、The debate provoked by Mr Sarrazin has unleasheda blast of cultural warfare.(由萨拉青引发的此番争议已引爆文化冲突。)
19、"There'sa blast of motivation and ambition to meet our goals, " said the 23-year-old Mohammed Bozeid editor.(我们是用我们的雄心和动力来努力达到我们的目标,23岁的编辑MohammedBozeid说。)
20、a blast of wind blew the window and the door agape.(一阵风把门和窗子都吹开了。)
21、In this engine, air is converted, by burning fuel, intoa blast of hot gas moving at high velocity.(在这种发动机中,空气通过燃烧燃料转换成高速运动的一阵热的气体。)
22、The idea is to usea blast of energy to fry the enemy’s computers and telecommunications gear.(电磁脉冲概念是利用能量突然爆发来烧毁敌人的计算机和通信设备。)
23、a blast of wind is coming.(一阵大风就要来了。)
24、In the photon picture, an electron literally absorbsa blast of energy as opposed to a gradual trickle.(在光子图象中,一个电子确确实实是一下子吸收一股能量,而不是逐渐地吸收。)
25、If, for instance, you have a ball held up in the air bya blast of air, it is floating on air.(例如,你有一个球是通过空气爆发的方式被举起来的,它现在就浮在空气当中。)