
application for造句

application for造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:22:31


application for造句

  • 1、See Deploying the sampleapplication for details.(有关详细信息,请参阅部署示例应用程序。)
  • 2、Supplying a mak file to this tool "makes" theapplication for you.(为该工具提供一个MAK文件,以便为您“制造”应用程序。)
  • 3、He, however, didn't see any practicalapplication for it in life.(但是,他也看不出这个课在生活中有什么实际的应用。)
  • 4、Preempt theapplication for very short deterministic periods.(抢占应用程序一小段确定的时间。)
  • 5、It is a simpleapplication for planning your conference itinerary.(这是一个简单的可用来规划会议日程的应用程序。)
  • 6、Also thisapplication for tethering has been banned.(顺便说一下,下面这个应用也被禁止了。)
  • 7、After a year we will sympathetically consider anapplication for reinstatement.(一年以后我们会考虑赞同复职申请。)
  • 8、Refer to the description in the sampleapplication for more detail.(有关更多细节,请参阅实例应用程序中的描述。)
  • 9、Packaging yourapplication for deployment.(将应用程序打包以进行部署。)
  • 10、Generally, you would use caching in yourapplication for two reasons.(通常,在应用程序中使用缓存有两个原因。)
  • 11、So I can put that on theapplication for the grant, that I plan on using material from that library for my research, and figure a trip to Boston into my budget?(所以,我可以在申请补助金的表格中写上“我打算用那个图书馆的资料做研究”,然后把一个波士顿之行的费用列入我的预算内吗?) Hao86.com
  • 12、What is the current status of ourapplication for funds?(我们申请资金目前进展状况如何?)
  • 13、It allows an RA to submit work to theapplication for easy implementation.(它允许RA向应用程序服务器提交工作,以便于执行。)
  • 14、application for the algorithm has just mushroomed.(这些算法的应用开始迅速流行。)
  • 15、Differentapplication for each system.(每个系统的不同应用程序。)
  • 16、They have been sitting on myapplication for a month now.(他们压着我的申请不办有一个月了。)
  • 17、Learned how to update theapplication for DB2.(了解如何更新DB2应用程序。)
  • 18、Configuring theapplication for large pages.(应用程序的大页面配置。)
  • 19、So far, no changes are required to theapplication for profiling.(到现在为止,还不需要为了进行分析而对源程序进行任何修改。)
  • 20、Hisapplication for membership of the organization was rejected.(他对该组织会员资格的申请被拒绝了。)
  • 21、It submitted anapplication for approval.(公司提交了一份申请请求批准。)
  • 22、File yourapplication for citizenship.(把你的申请材料归档。)
  • 23、What‘s the reason for yourapplication for this position?(你应聘这个职位的原因是什么?)
  • 24、A free Webapplication for this purpose, called myIDP, has become available this week.(本周,一个名为myIDP的免费网页应用程序面世。)
  • 25、A patentapplication for the technology has been filed.(目前已经对这种技术提出专利申请。)
  • 26、May: How is it going with yourapplication for professional schools?(阿美:你申请的职业学校结果怎么样了?)
  • 27、They rejected hisapplication for membership.(他们拒绝考虑他的成员资格申请。)

application for基本释义



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