


更新时间:2025-03-09 22:11:21



  • 1、She wasdiminutive and dirty.(她又矮小又脏。)
  • 2、The women of the south arediminutive, subservient and very polite.(南方的妇女娇小可爱,毕恭毕敬,很有礼貌。)
  • 3、Not all is lost fordiminutive, physically feeble leaders, however.(但体格瘦弱的人也不是无望成为领导者。)
  • 4、“I looked very much like a child for the first three years, and that made it more profitable for him, ” T.O.M. reports, stilldiminutive and fine-boned at 21.(现年21岁,身材娇小,骨质纤细的T.O.M说,“开始的三年我看起来像个孩童,这为他赚了不少钱。”)
  • 5、For Dallas, thediminutive J.J. Barea, who is 6-feet, has arisen as a key cog.(达拉斯这边,巴里亚这个只有6尺高的小个子已经俨然成为球队的关键一环。)
  • 6、Her eyes scanned the room until they came to rest on adiminutive figure standing at the entrance.(她的目光扫视着房间,最后停留在一个站在入口的小小的身影上。)
  • 7、Up front Wenger deployed threediminutive forwards: Samir Nasri on the left, Andrey Arshavin centrally and Tomas Rosicky on the right.(温格在前场部署了三名小个子前锋,纳斯里左路游弋,阿尔沙文担纲中路,罗西基右路活动。)
  • 8、The six-month filming marathon revolved around the eating, sleeping and resting habits of itsdiminutive divas.(六个月的拍摄周期,都围绕小宝宝们的饮食、睡眠和休息习惯进行。)
  • 9、By 8 months of age, human babies have a massive forehead and a reallydiminutive chin - and that's the point at which most people find babies most attractive.(在8个月的时候,人类婴儿的脑门很大而下巴很小-而这是为什么大多数人觉得婴儿最可爱。)
  • 10、'Nick' is a commondiminutive of 'Nicholas'.(Nick是Nicholas的常用简称。)
  • 11、The demonstration is the latest by thediminutive robot Asimo, which stands slightly higher than four feet (130cm) tall.(这个是来自于最新的小巧可爱的苗条的有四英尺高的机器人Asimo的演示。)
  • 12、I could list a great number of these one-sideddiminutive romances.(我能列出一长串这种一厢情愿的小浪漫。)
  • 13、Itsdiminutive size, which makes it so handy for stashing in a coat pocket, also makes it unlikely to satisfy more than one antsy kid on a long car ride.(它出奇的小尺寸使它能够方便地放在外衣口袋里,但除了在长途旅行中安抚汽车后座里不安分的小孩,它无法满足更多人的需要。)
  • 14、All fifteen boys pick up their textbooks and thump theirdiminutive desks as they yell out each letter in unison.(十五个男孩都拿起他们的课本,边敲着小课桌,边整齐大声地读出每一个字母。)
  • 15、She was adiminutive figure beside her husband.(她同丈夫比起来就像个小人。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 16、Adiminutive, green-uniformed official began letting people over the threshold.(一个穿着绿色制服的小个子职员开始让旅客跨过门槛。)
  • 17、Despite itsdiminutive size, this black hole — called XTE J1650-500 — is still an engine of destruction.(尽管这个名为xteJ1650-500的黑洞体型娇小,但依然是破坏力极强。)
  • 18、Nevertheless, before setting out, the coachman cast a glance at the traveller's shabby dress, at thediminutive size of his bundle, and made him pay his fare.(可是,起程之先,车夫对旅客望了一眼,看见他的衣服那样寒素,包袱又那么小,便要他付钱。)
  • 19、Located on a high eastern-facing ridge with views downtown Los Angeles in the distance, the Banyan Treehouse is adiminutive art studio and sanctuary.(位于一个山岭东部,远处可以眺望洛杉矶市中心的菩提树树屋是一个小型的艺术工作室和庇护所。)
  • 20、Thediminutive star of Breakfast at Tiffany's was chosen by beauty and fashion editors, make-up artists, model agencies and photographers.(这个影片《第凡内早餐》中的小角色被美容和时尚编辑、化妆大师、模特经纪人和摄影师们选中。)
  • 21、They have programmed a pair ofdiminutive humanoid robots called Shafer and Dempster to disobey instructions from humans if it puts their own safety at risk.(他们已经编程了一对小型的类人机器人,名字叫谢弗和邓普·斯特,如果人类的指令对它们自己有危险,它们就会违背命令。)
  • 22、Menzies, a former Royal Navy submarine commander, is a soft-spoken anddiminutive presence, not at all the obsessive eccentric he's been painted in the press.(曼兹是前皇家海军潜艇指挥官,是个说话婉转,身材矮小的人,一点也不象报纸上说的钻牛角尖的怪人。)
  • 23、They stuffed the stove in the basement of the Houses of Parliament full of thisdiminutive lumber and went home from work at the end of the day.(他们在英国议会大厦的地下室的火炉中塞满了这种小型木柴,然后在最后一天的时候回家了。)
  • 24、diminutive people can find plenty of other scientific reading matter to make them feel-er-lower.(个子矮小的人还会发现其他一些会让他们感觉更打不起精神来的科学研究。)
  • 25、That became musca in Latin, then thediminutive muschetta and ultimately—by now a weapon, not a projectile—musket.(这个词(mice)在拉丁语中写作“musca(苍蝇)”,加上后缀又变成“muschetta”,最后演变成“musket”——滑膛枪,一种兵器而不是弹射装置。)



英 [dɪˈmɪnjətɪv] 美 [dɪˈmɪnjətɪv] 
副词: diminutively 名词: diminutiveness




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