  • 1、Silly mistakes and queer clothes oftenarouse ridicule.(荒谬的错误和古怪的服装常引起讪笑。)
  • 2、Even when they stay on the right side of the law, Internet providersarouse customers' anger over bandwidth speed and cost.(即使他们站在法律的正确一边,互联网供应商也会激起客户对带宽速度和成本的愤怒。)
  • 3、But if youarouse public emotions, such crises become harder to control and dangerous.(但如果你挑起公众情绪,此类危机就变得更难控制,也更加危险。)
  • 4、Moreover theyarouse a spirit of resentment that proves fatal to the marriage bond.(而且,这种尝试引发了怨恨的情绪,这被证明对婚姻纽带有毁灭性的影响。)
  • 5、If the irritation is severe enough, a sleeping person willarouse, clear the airway, then resume breathing and likely return to sleep.(如果刺激足够剧烈,睡着的人就会醒来并清理气道,恢复呼吸,并很可能再度陷入睡眠中。)
  • 6、He could make people laugh and cry, andarouse anger, and he meant to amuse and to make the world a better place.(他能使人笑使人哭,使人愤怒,他有意的取悦人们,让世界变得更美好。)
  • 7、This cartoon displays a scenario that mightarouse the memory of our childhood times.(这幅漫画展现的场景可能会唤起我们对于童年时代的记忆。)
  • 8、Everyday eventsarouse your feelings and affect your mood.(每天,各种事情都会触发你的情绪并影响你的心境。)
  • 9、This willarouse the awareness and thoughts of the public and thus bring changes to their behaviors.(这些问题可以引发公众的关注和思考,进而影响他们行为上的积极改变。)
  • 10、I did not want my being from Watts toarouse curiosity.(我不想让自己来自瓦茨的事实引起别人的好奇。)
  • 11、Try not toarouse his suspicion.(想办法不要让他起疑心。)
  • 12、The advertisement and packaging are methods used toarouse consumers' curiosity.(广告和包装是用来引起消费者好奇心的手段。)
  • 13、I didn't believe that she couldarouse me again, but I trusted her more now and let her try.(我不相信她能再一次唤起我了,但是我比以前还信任她,让她做起来。)
  • 14、There's no set answer, but I just hope toarouse the feeling that you, too, have been like that some time.(固定的答案是不存在的,但我只是希望能唤起那样一种感觉——你,在某个时期,也曾经是那样的。)
  • 15、We mustarouse them to fight with enemies.(我们必须唤起他们同敌人斗争。)
  • 16、But in the age of the Internet, coverupsarouse instant suspicion and are counter-productive.(但是,在互联网盛行的今天,掩盖事实会激起民众的怀疑并产生相反的结果。)
  • 17、You're trying toarouse certain responses by implanting certain cues.(你试图通过植入特定的线索来引起特定的反应。)
  • 18、Don't tie [put on] your shoes in a melon patch or adjust your hat under a plum tree -- avoid being suspected.; Don't do anything toarouse suspicion.(瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠。)
  • 19、Theyarouse the interest of all the readers.(它们引起了所有读者的兴趣。)
  • 20、The terms of the European element of the bail-outarouse particular ire.(有关欧洲元素的救市条款引起了人们特别的愤怒。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 21、They are trying toarouse sympathy for their cause.(他们努力唤起人们对他们事业的同情。)
  • 22、We hope it canarouse students' awareness of water crisis.(我们希望这个活动能激起学生们对水资源的危机意识。)
  • 23、Complex structures with more than three layers of ownership shouldarouse especial scrutiny.(拥有三层以上所有权的复杂结构应该受到特别的审查。)
  • 24、At dawn the farmers began toarouse.(黎明时农民们开始醒来。)
  • 25、While taking part in sports game, we willarouse the competitive spirit in us and try our best to win the game.(在参加体育比赛的时候,我们会激发自己的竞争精神并尽全力赢得比赛。)


英 [əˈraʊz] 美 [əˈraʊz] 

名词: arousal 过去式: aroused 过去分词: aroused 现在分词: arousing 第三人称单数: arouses

