  • 1、The book was padded out withuninteresting descriptions.(这本书用些无趣的描写拉得太长。)
  • 2、Timelessness - in the sense of time never ending, never beginning - is a stagnant nothing. It is absolutelyuninteresting.(永恒是毫无意义的停滞,它意味着时间永远没有结束,也永远没有开始,绝对令人乏味。)
  • 3、I've been working 15 years and I know some years I get everything first and some years I read onlyuninteresting parts.(我已经从影15年,我知道有几年我总是领先一部,而有的时候我就只能拿到些没意思的部分。)
  • 4、The food was dull anduninteresting.(食物单调得很,一点也不吸引人。)
  • 5、In the Outline view, you see only the declarations you are working on instead of dozens ofuninteresting ones.(在Outline视图中,只能看到您正在处理的声明,而不是许多不感兴趣的声明。)
  • 6、His lecture was so pedantic anduninteresting.(他的讲座学究气十足且没趣。)
  • 7、But path stroking generally produces line drawings that areuninteresting.(但是,笔画路径一般只能产生不怎么有趣的线条图。)
  • 8、It isn't as if someone who works in a cubicle is automaticallyuninteresting.(并不是说在小隔间里工作的人一定是无趣的人。)
  • 9、It was a party and I was vaguely involved in anuninteresting group conversation.(当时我在一个派对上,有一句没一句地参与着一个不太有趣的讨论。)
  • 10、Their media have earned the reputation for being rather dull anduninteresting.(他们的媒体得到的名声是乏味无聊。) (好工具
  • 11、His editor finally got pretty much annoyed at the farmer-journalist because his pieces were souninteresting.(他的编辑终于对这位农夫记者不胜其烦,因为他的文章太索然乏味了。)
  • 12、It's not at alluninteresting to imagine the possibility of just seeing something without seeing it as something.(很有意思的是想象,看见某物而不解读它的可能性。)
  • 13、If you're boring, predictable, anduninteresting, then you're never going to have women calling you to hang out.(如果你这个人很无趣,能一眼看透,你压根就别惦记着女人会打电话邀你出去了。)
  • 14、For some people, the habit is so deeply rooted that they automatically start daydreaming when a speaker begins talking on something complex oruninteresting.(对有些人来说,这个习惯如此根深蒂固,以致于当演讲者开始谈论一些复杂或无趣的事情时,他们就会不由自主地开始做白日梦。)
  • 15、uninteresting elements are shown in gray, interesting ones in black, and landmarks in bold.(非兴趣元素以灰色显示,兴趣元素以黑色显示,里程碑为粗体。)
  • 16、Possibility number one is, no it doesn't make any difference —uninteresting possibility.(第一种可能性是,没有,没有产生任何影响,无趣的可能性。)
  • 17、That part isuninteresting but how is it doing this?(这一部分的确很无趣,但是这是怎么做到的呢?)
  • 18、I'll get rid of this which is just anuninteresting thing.(我会把这个删了,这些东西一点也不好玩。)
  • 19、So many days are routine anduninteresting, especially in winter.(太多的日子都是平淡和无趣,尤其是在冬季。)
  • 20、Software companies, meanwhile, reckon such middlemen are offered onlyuninteresting information.(同时,软件公司则怀疑这种中介只能得到无价值的漏洞。)
  • 21、Brad's still claiming he didn't call his marriage to Jenuninteresting.(皮特声称他并没有说他和安妮·斯顿的婚姻是无趣的。)
  • 22、The craftsmanship is impressive, the music is powerful and the movie is neveruninteresting.(场景布置让人印象深刻,配乐很强大,而且电影从头到尾都没有乏味之处。)
  • 23、You see, a lot of guys will approach women and ask boring,uninteresting questions like the ones mentioned above.(你看,很多男人接近女人的时候都会问一些无聊无趣的问题——比如上面提到的那种。)
  • 24、"No work isuninteresting if you can think how to do it differently," she says.(“如果你能思考如何把工作做得与众不同,那么没有什么工作是无聊的。”她说。)
  • 25、Only vaguely involved, so it wasn't my fault that it wasuninteresting.(仅仅是有一句没一句的,所以内容不太有趣也不是我的错。)
  • 26、Many people find Professor Brown's lectureuninteresting.(许多人觉得布朗教授的讲座没意思。)
  • 27、I can say this because the opposite of these traits are all things shared byuninteresting people.(我之所以这样说,是因为这些共同特征的对立面却是无趣之人全都具备的。)


英 [ʌnˈɪntrəstɪŋ] 美 [ʌnˈɪntrɪstɪŋ, -tərɪstɪŋ, -təˌrɛstɪŋ] 

副词: uninterestingly

