  • 1、The area has been declared a disasterzone.(该地区已被宣布为灾难带。)
  • 2、Passing them is like passing through a timezone.(穿过它们就像穿越一个时区一样。)
  • 3、The new treaty establishes a free tradezone.(新条约设立了自由贸易区。)
  • 4、Seasonal areas also include kid's areas such as the Discoveryzone, Splash Island, Kids Zoo and the waterside Theatre.(季节性区域还包括儿童区域,如探索区、飞溅岛、儿童动物园和水边剧院。)
  • 5、Slab pull happens at the subductionzone.(板块拉伸发生在俯冲带。)
  • 6、Because it is in an enterprisezone, taxes on non-food items are 3.5% instead of the usual 7%.(因为是在创业园区内,非食品类产品税是3.5%,而不是通常的7%。)
  • 7、Host families are mainly inzones 2, 3 and most hosts don't live inzone 1 because much of central New York is trading center.(接待家庭主要在第2区和第3区,大多数接待家庭并不住在第1区,因为纽约市中心的大部分地方都是贸易中心。)
  • 8、Above the water table is the vadosezone, through which rainwater percolates.(地下水位的上方是包气带,雨水从中渗透。)
  • 9、In other words, you gotta stretch yourself, get uncomfortable and get out of your comfortzone, and then keep getting out.(换句话说,你必须伸展你自己,变得不舒服,离开你的舒适区,然后继续往外走。)
  • 10、A "southern" camp headed by French wants something different: "European economic government" within an inner core of euro-zone members.(一个由法国人领导的“南部”阵营想要的是不同的东西:位于欧元区成员核心的“欧洲经济政府”。)
  • 11、Find something that takes you out of your comfortzone or that you love to do.(找到一些把你带离舒适区的事或你热爱的事。)
  • 12、These rivers and river systems are known as "exogenous" because their sources lie outside the aridzone.(这些河流和河川系统被称作“外源河流”,因为它们的源头位于干旱地区之外。)
  • 13、They are pulling their troops out of the warzone.(他们正从战区撤出军队。)
  • 14、The most striking characteristic of the plants of the alpinezone is their low growth form.(高寒地区植物最显著的特点是生长缓慢。)
  • 15、Put yourself in the funzone.(将自己置于有趣的区域。)
  • 16、"Welcome to the Coloredzone, " a large stretched banner could have said.(“欢迎来到有色人种区。”一面巨大的横幅本会这样写。)
  • 17、Above the tree line there is azone that is generally called alpine tundra.(林木线上方有一个区域,通常被称为高山苔原。)
  • 18、They think that a new subductionzone might occur at the western edge of the Atlantic Ocean.(他们认为,一个新的俯冲带可能会出现在大西洋的西部边缘。)
  • 19、Basically, a subductionzone is where two tectonic plates collide.(基本上,俯冲带就是两个地壳构造板块碰撞的地方。)
  • 20、Paul, can you remind us what a subductionzone is?(保罗,你能提醒我们什么是俯冲带吗?)
  • 21、The effects of climate change are likely to be seen across the entire tropicalzone.(气候变化的影响可能会遍及整个热带地区。)
  • 22、That's the highest percentage of an exclusive economiczone devoted to marine conservation by any country in the world.(这是世界上任何一个国家致力于海洋保护的专属经济区的最高比例。)
  • 23、Water in the vadosezone drains down to the water table, leaving behind a thin coating of water on mineral grains.(包气带中的水会沉降到地下水位,只在矿物颗粒表面留下一层薄薄的水膜。)
  • 24、The floor of the "cuddlezone" is soon covered with complete strangers snuggling and cuddling, but that's as far as it goes.(“拥抱区”的地板很快就挤满了完全陌生的人,他们相互依偎和拥抱,但也就到此为止了。)
  • 25、Many people have stayed behind in the potential warzone.(许多人留在了可能交战的地带。)
  • 26、This rapidzone of transition is called the upper timberline or tree line.(这种快速的过渡地带被称为“上树带线”或“林木线”。)
  • 27、At that time we lived in a firezone.(那时我们住在火区。)
  • 28、More troops are being despatched to the warzone.(更多的部队被派往作战地区。)
  • 29、When the needle enters the redzone the engine is too hot.(当指针进入红色区域时,发动机就过热了。)


英 [zəʊn] 美 [zoʊn] 

过去式: zoned 过去分词: zoned 现在分词: zoning 第三人称单数: zones

