  • 1、It was alifetime experience.(这是一生的经历。)
  • 2、Where would you like to see this larger body go during yourlifetime?(在你的一生中,你希望看到这个更大的身体走向何方?)
  • 3、Their lack of qualifications condemned them to alifetime of boring, usually poorly-paid work.(他们资历的缺乏迫使他们要一辈子做单调乏味且通常报酬很低的工作。)
  • 4、Banding the birds allows us to track them over theirlifetime.(用带子给鸟类做标记能够帮助我们追踪它们,并监视其终生的动态。)
  • 5、By some studies, selective schools do enhance their graduates'lifetime earnings.(一些研究表明,名牌大学确实提高了他们的毕业生一生的收入。)
  • 6、I loved getting dirty, paddling canoes all day long and making friends to last alifetime.(我喜欢变得脏兮兮的,整天划着独木舟,交朋友,我愿意这样过完一生。)
  • 7、I want to take advantage of yourlifetime of scholarship.(我想从您一生的学术成就中获益。)
  • 8、Having spent alifetime avidly courting publicity, Paul has suddenly become secretive.(花了一生的时间狂热地追求出名之后,保罗突然变得遮遮掩掩起来了。)
  • 9、These are words which may not be seen again in alifetime of reading.(这些词也许今后一辈子也不会再读到了。)
  • 10、I treasure my family and friends, and hope that we will share a loving and caringlifetime together.(我珍惜我的家人和朋友,希望我们能够一起度过充满爱与关怀的一生。)
  • 11、To me, the basic training was alifetime of challenges that lasted six months.(对我来说,基础训练是持续六个月的一生的挑战。)
  • 12、Though Vivaldi had earned a great deal in hislifetime, his extravagance was such that he died in poverty.(尽管维瓦尔蒂一生中挣了许多钱,但其挥霍如此之巨,以至在贫困中死去。)
  • 13、Eighteen months ago, I was diagnosed with throat cancer, the result of alifetime of smoking.(十八个月前,我被诊断出患有喉癌,这是我一辈子吸烟导致的后果。)
  • 14、After all, where else can you leave school with a decent degree—but without alifetime of debt?(毕竟,还有什么地方能让你带着体面的学位离开学校——而不背负一辈子的债务呢?)
  • 15、They found that just one tree can save a city hundreds of dollars over itslifetime.(他们发现,一棵树在其一生中可以为一个城市节省数百美元。)
  • 16、Parachuting will give you the rush of alifetime.(跳伞给你一生难求的刺激感觉。)
  • 17、She wrote, to be exact, eleven novels in herlifetime.(确切地说,她一生写了十一部小说。)
  • 18、Without the atlas each researcher could spend alifetime trying to gather complete gene-expression data for his or her work.(因为如果没有图谱,每个研究者为了他或他的研究,可能会花费一生的时间来搜集完整的基因表达数据。)
  • 19、In many cases this realizable wealth is not realized during thelifetime of the home owner.(在很多情况下,这种可变现的财富在房主一生中都没有成为现实。)
  • 20、All jazz lovers should come to the Montreal International Jazz Festival at least once in alifetime.(所有的爵士爱好者一生中都应该至少来一次蒙特利尔国际爵士音乐节。)
  • 21、In hislifetime, Hutton patented 244 inventions.(赫顿一生中获得了244项发明专利。)
  • 22、You've given alifetime of service to athletics.(你一生致力于体育事业。)
  • 23、The Swedish engineer who invented the zip fastener made a greater intellectual leap than many scientists do in alifetime.(发明拉链的瑞典工程师在思维上作出的飞跃比很多科学家一生所作出的还要多。)
  • 24、During mylifetime I haven't got around to much travelling.(我一生中没有旅行过多少。)
  • 25、Police officers meet more unsavoury characters in a week than most of us do in alifetime.(警察在一个星期内遇到的令人厌恶的人比我们大多数人一生中遇见的还多。)
  • 26、It continues to be the mission of alifetime.(它仍然是终生的使命。)
  • 27、We need to continue to value broad preparation in thinking skills that will serve for alifetime.(我们需要继续重视并充分锻炼思维技能,这些技能将终生受用。)
  • 28、Confucius educated about 3,000 students in hislifetime.(孔子一生中大概教过3000名学生。)
  • 29、He said, "People need alifetime to learn how to live a good life like loving everybody and being nice, right?"(他说:“人们需要一生的时间来学习如何过美好的生活,比如爱每个人,待人友善,对吗?”)
  • 30、This "once in alifetime" event actually may take place twice in some folks' lives.(这种“一生一次”的事件实际上有可能在一些人的生活中发生两次。) 【好工具】


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