  • 1、Membership eligibility may be achieved by a competitivenomination or a member may submit a name based on other significant contribution to the field of motion pictures.(通过差额提名选举,或由现任成员给予其对电影工业的贡献而提名着两种方式可以获得学院成员资格。)
  • 2、Holliday's first two major motion picture roles - Adam's Rib and Born Yesterday - earned her a Golden Globenomination and Academy Award win respectively.(霍莉黛在前两部主流电影《金屋藏娇》和《绛帐海棠春》中扮演的角色分别为她赢得了金球奖提名和奥斯卡影后。)
  • 3、The film – directed by horror-meister Sam Raimi – is almost assured an Oscarnomination.(这部由恐怖片大师萨姆·莱米执导的影片几乎可以稳获奥斯卡提名。)
  • 4、He quickly won his party'snomination to contest the elections.(他迅速赢得了其党派的提名来参加竞选。)
  • 5、Because Obama leads in the number of regular delegates pledged, Clinton would need to win the superdelegates' support by a wide margin to receive thenomination.(由于奥巴马已经赢得了更多的“有承诺代表”的支持,克林顿必须获得更多超级代表的支持,拉近两人的距离,才有可能获得提名。)
  • 6、The committee voted 18-5 yesterday to approve thenomination of Geithner, 47, who is the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.(委员会昨天以18票对5票通过了对盖特纳的提名,47岁的他曾经是纽约联邦银行(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)的总裁。)
  • 7、They awarded their Senatenomination to Sharron Angle, a quintessential outsider who is supported by the Club for Growth and the tea-party movement.(他们将参议员提名给了SharronAngle,一位完全的局外人,而且她受到增长俱乐部和茶党运动的支持。)
  • 8、Mr Paul placed second, just one percentage point behind Mrs Bachmann, but pundits still put his chances of winning thenomination at next-to-nothing.(保罗仅一个百分点之差输给了巴赫曼,屈居第二。不过许多专业人士并不看好保罗,认为他赢得提名候选人的机会几乎为零。)
  • 9、They say he's certain to get anomination for best supporting actor.(他们说他肯定会获得最佳男配角奖的提名。)
  • 10、They opposed hernomination to the post of Deputy Director.(他们反对任命她为副主任。)
  • 11、In 2010, four films featuring Zhang hit the cinema and the film “Aftershock” earned her thenomination for Best Supporting Actress of Golden Horse Awards.(2010年,张静初共有四部电影在影院上映。电影《唐山大地震》让她获得了金马奖最佳女配角提名。)
  • 12、Thenomination from Wired has been dismissed by some as a publicity stunt - and the support of long-time Wired columnist and investor Nicholas Negroponte is hardly surprising.(《连线》杂志的提名被某些人认为是一场作秀,并且获得《连线》杂志的长期专栏作家以及投资人尼古拉斯的支持并不让人十分惊讶。)
  • 13、Membership of the club is bynomination only.(俱乐部的会员资格仅可通过推荐获得。)
  • 14、He has yet to secure the singlenomination he needs from any of the 208 national associations that make up FIFA’s membership and will have one vote each in June.(到目前为止,他尚未从国际足联大家庭的208个国家组织中的任何一家获得确保他提名的资格,今年六月每个国家级组织都将有一次投票权。)
  • 15、Mynomination for headline of the year comes from the newspaper Roll Call, on July 18: “McConnell Blasts Deficit Spending, Urges Extension of Tax Cuts.”(我提名本年度报纸标题为7月18日的《国会山报》标题,它赫然写着“迈克康奈尔痛斥赤字性开支,推动延长减税。”)
  • 16、The yeas are 52 and the nays are 49; thenomination is hereby confirmed.(52票赞成,49票反对;特此确认提名。)
  • 17、All eyes are now on the superdelegates to see if a bloc of them comes out to endorse Obama, giving him the total number of delegates required to clinch thenomination.(所有人都在关注这些超级代表,看看是否有一组人会出来支持奥巴马,为他提供获得提名所需代表的总人数。)


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